
Local Information

Local Information

We have compiled a list of local business that offer products and services you may find helpful when making your arrangements. If you do not see what you are looking for, please feel free to contact us for assistance and recommendations on other local resources.


Local Restaurants

Aunt Butchie's Park Slope Restaurant/Cafe

383 5th Avenue, Btw 6th and 7th Streets

Brooklyn New York 

718 757-9756



Athena Mediterranean Cuisine

535 6th Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11215


La Palina Restaurant
159 Avenue O
Brooklyn, NY 11204
Phone: (718) 236-9764

691 6th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Phone: (718) 499 5052

La Villa Pizzeria
261 5th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Phone: (718) 499 9888

Tambour Bistro & Wine Bar
652 5th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Phone: (347) 916-1747

Local Cemeteries


The Green-Wood Cemetery
500 25th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Phone: (718) 768-7300

The Evergreen's Cemetery
1629 Bushwick Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Phone: (718) 455-5300

Cypress Hills Cemetery
833 Jamaica Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Phone: (718) 277-2900

Ocean View Cemetery
3315 Amboy Road
Staten Island, NY 10306
Phone: (718) 351-1870

Moravian Cemetery
2205 Richmond Road
Staten Island, NY 10306
Phone: (718) 351-0136

Cemetery of the Resurrection
361 Sharrott Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10309
Phone: (718) 356-7738

Pinelawn Cemetery
2030 Wellwood Avenue
Farmingdale, NY 11735
Phone: (631) 249-6100

St. John Cemetery
80-01 Metropolitan Avenue
Middle Village, NY 11379

Phone: (718) 894-4888

Holy Cross Cemetery
3620 Tilden Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203
(718) 284-4520

St. Charles / Resurrection
Conklin Street
Farmingdale, NY 11735

Phone: (631) 249-8700

Local Churches


Holy Name of Jesus
245 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY 11215
.44 Mi

St. Saviour
611 8th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
.51 Mi

Holy Family - 14th Street
205 14th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
.97 Mi

St. Thomas Aquinas
249 9th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
.04 Mi

St. John the Evangelist
250 21st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
.12 Mi

St. Francis Xavier
225 6th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
.29 Mi

Our Lady of Peace
522 Carroll Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
.54 Mi

Our Lady of Czenstochowa - St. Casimir
183 25th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
.59 Mi

Immaculate Heart of Mary
2805 Fort Hamiliton Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11218
.59 Mi

St. Rocco
216 27th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232

St. Michael
352 42nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232

St. Agatha
702 48th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
1.19 Mi

St. Catharine of Alexandria
1119 41st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11218

1.53 Mi

Our Lady of Perpetual Help
526 59th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
1.98 Mi

St. Anselm
356 82nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11209
.66 Mi

St. Patrick
9511 4th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11209
.67 Mi

Our Lady of Angels
7320 4th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11209
1.4 Mi

St. Ephrem
929 Bay Ridge Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11228
1.52 Mi

St. Bernadette
8201 13th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11228

1.89 Mi

St. Andrew the Apostle
6713 Ridge Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11220
1.98 Mi

St. Frances Cabrini
1562 86th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11228
2.42 Mi

St. Rosalia - Regina Pacis
1230 65th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219

Saints Simon and Jude
185 Van Sicklen Street
Brooklyn, NY 11223

.25 Mi

St. Mary Mother of Jesus
2326 84th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11214

1.07 Mi

Our Lady of Grace
430 Avenue W
Brooklyn, NY 11223

1.22 Mi

Most Precious Blood, Brooklyn
70 Bay 47th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11214

1.42 Mi

St. Dominic
2001 Bay Ridge Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11204

1.65 Mi

St. Athanasius
2154 61st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11204

1.78 Mi

St. Brendan
1525 East 12th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11230

1.79 Mi

St. Edmund
2460 Ocean Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11229

2.13 Mi

St. Finbar
138 Bay 20th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11214

2.29 Mi

Guardian Angel
2978 Ocean Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11235

St. Mary Star of the Sea
467 Court Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
.43 Mi

Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
98 Richards Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
.5 Mi

Sacred Hearts Jesus Mary and St. Stephen
108 Carroll Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
.69 Mi

St. Paul and St. Agnes
433 Sackett Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Leone Funeral Home
Phone: (718) 768-4000
696 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11232

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Crafted with care by Frazer Consultants and TA

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